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Multiply Conference

Multiply Primary Logo 1.png
  • 3:45-4:30 pm Group Arrival/Check-in & Hospitality Suite (Carriage House)
    (Rooms will not be accessible until 4:00pm)

    5:00-5:45 pm Black Lanyard Small Group Leader Meeting Palmer’s Den)

    5:00-6:00 pm Blue Lanyard: First Dinner Shift King James Dining Room

    6:15-7:15 pm Black: Second Dinner Shift King James Dining Room

    (Childcare is available from 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm)

    6:15-7:00 pm Blue Small Group Leader Meeting Palmer’s Den

    7:30-9:15 pm Session 1 Great Hall

    9:30-10:30 pm Small Groups:

    Groups 1-18: Meet in Great Hall and spread out

    Groups 19-27: Meet in Carriage House and spread out

    Campus ministers & non-student guests: Meet in the Castle Great Hall 

  • 7:30-8:15 am Blue: First Breakfast Shift King James Dining Room
    Black: Time Alone With God 

    8:30-9:15 am Black : Second Breakfast Shift King James Dining Room
    Blue:  Time Alone With God 

    9:30-10:45 am Session 2 Great Hall 

    (Childcare provided from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm)


    11:00-12:00 pm Workshops VIEW LIST

    12:00 pm Lunch Castle Terrace

    1:00 pm Free Time

    4:45-5:45 pm Blue: First Dinner Shift King James Dining Room

    6:00-7:00 pm Black : Second Dinner Shift King James Dining Room


    7:15-8:45 pm Session 3 Great Hall 

    (Childcare is available from 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm)


    8:50 pm Small Groups:

    Groups 1-27: Meet on campus

    Campus ministers & non-student guests: Meet in the Castle Great Hall 


    9:30 pm Square Dance Great Hall (Optional)

  • 7:30-8:15 am Black: First Breakfast
    Blue: Time Alone With God 


    8:30-9:15 am Blue: Second Breakfast
    Black: Time Alone With God 


    9:30-10:45 am Session 4 (Childcare provided from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm)


    11:00-12:00 pm Workshops VIEW LIST


    12:15 pm Lunch Castle Terrace


    2:00 pm Men’s Fellowship - Meet at Old Schoolhouse 


    2:00 pm Women’s Fellowship - Meet in Great Hall


    5:00-6:00 pm Black: First Dinner

    6:15-7:15 pm Blue: Second Dinner


    7:30-9:00 pm Session 5 (Childcare is available from 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm)


    9:15-10:00 pm  Small Groups:

    Groups 1-27: Meet on campus

    Campus ministers & non-student guests: Meet in the Castle Great Hall 


    10:00 pm Silent Disco Great Hall

  • 6:30 am Skiers depart Glen Eyrie Carriage House Parking Lot

    7:30-8:45 am Continental Breakfast King James Dining Room

    12:00 pm Lunch Castle Terrace

    5:00-6:00 pm Black: First Dinner

    6:15-7:15 pm Blue: Second Dinner

    8:30 pm Worship Night Great Hall (Optional)

  • 7:30-8:15 am Blue: First Breakfast
    Black: Time Alone With God 

    8:30-9:15 am Black: Second Breakfast
    Blue: Time Alone With God 

    9:30-10:30 am Session 6

    (Childcare provided from 9:00am until 12:00 pm)


    10:35 am Group Picture Castle Terrace


    11:00-12:00 pm Workshops VIEW LIST


    12:00 pm Lunch with Small Groups Castle Terrace


    2:00-3:00 pm Ultimate Cow Tongue The Rec Fields (Optional)

    (Ultimate Frisbee played with a real cow tongue. Experience something only a few true
    Oklahomans have mastered.) 


    5:00-6:00 pm Blue: First Dinner

    6:15-7:15 pm Black: Second Dinner


    7:30-9:00 pm Session 7

    (Childcare is available from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm)


    9:30 pm Glen Live: A variety show with some talent but lots of fun! Great Hall

  • 7:00-7:45 am Black: First Breakfast
    Blue: Time Alone With God 

    8:00-8:45 am Blue Lanyards: Second Breakfast
    Black: Time Alone With God 

    9:00am Load up Transportation
    (Place luggage outside of your cabin for pickup)

    10:00am Depart


Dr. Steve Shadrack

Dr. Shadrack has been involved with many collegiate ministries. He has served as Pastor of Students and Missions at University Baptist Church in Fayetteville, AR. He founded Student Mobilization. He co-founded The Traveling Team, with Todd Ahrend (who pioneered the ministry). He launched the Center for Mission Mobilization. He was also the Mobilization Director for the US Center for World Mission.


Dr. Todd Ahrend

Dr. Ahrend is the co-founder and international Director of The Traveling Team, a national missions mobilization movement.  He and his wife, Jessica, have spent almost two decades traveling both nation-wide and abroad, speaking to thousands of people about involvement in world evangelization. Todd has exposure in over sixty countries and has lived in the Middle East.


Make sure to register for your workshop by filling out this form!

Andy Edwards

Does God Talk to Me?

Big Horn Upper

People ask all the time if God talks to us and how we can know. We will look through the scriptures to see how God communicates to people and if that still happens today. We will also look at a few of the supernatural / miraculous gifts and how they relate to hearing God and communicating to others.

Dan Hay

Marks of the Cults

Cedar Ridge Upper

There are commonalities between most deceptive false Christian traditions. This workshop will equip you to recognize them more easily.

Garrett Slater

Practical Hospitality: Feed My Sheep

Oaks Lodge Meeting Room

Hospitality is more than just a nice shared meal. It's a biblical model that the early church used to develop and maintain fellowship with the aim of making disciples. Ministry involves food! Don't let a lack of skills be a barrier, learn how to effectively plan and host events and cook for large groups.

Kenton Brice

Living a Gospel-Centered Life After College

Great Hall

The years after college are some of the hardest years for young professionals, especially for those that do not go into ministry and lose their ministry-centric connectedness or everyday discipleship that is such a blessing in college. This workshop will be a discussion on the realities of living a faithful, missional, and gospel-centered "lay" life after college and finding the immense beauty and value that the Lord has for you in your work, relationships, neighborhood, and church.

Linda Lee

Stopping the Spiral

Big Horn Lower

In identifying our emotions and thoughts, we can see the lies we are believing about ourselves and about God. But how can we replace them with the truth?

Pat Barrington

Overcoming Struggles to Move Closer to Jesus

Carriage House Granary

Life is full of struggles—stress, uncertainty, and setbacks can make us feel like we're sinking. But what if those struggles are actually opportunities to grow stronger in faith? In this powerful and practical talk, Dr. Pat Barrington shares how focus, faith, and surrender can help you overcome life’s challenges and move closer to Jesus.

Steve and Pam

Your Witness stinks...and Why It Should!

Carriage House Dining

When your witness stinks, Praise God. Come find out why. A different take on confidence in sharing our faith with those who need it most. Some ‘how-to’, more ‘why-to’, keys to connecting, and the ultimate imperative of GLOBAL MISSIONS. Plus, a little surprise.


Make sure to register for your workshop by filling out this form!

Amy Hay

Living A Life of Influence

Oaks Lodge Meeting Room

This workshop focuses on the SIX big ideas that those who want to be people of influence desperately need to consider. If you are someone who wants to have a impact for the gospel, these six “musts” are the make-or- break foundations that need to be in place in order to become an effective influencer for Christ.

Dick Jaques

Shame: A Spiritual Disease

Great Hall

Whether we want to admit or not shame affects our personal lives. It seeks to distort our identity in Christ, our concept of God, and causes division in our relationships. In this workshop we will look at the sources of shame and provide biblical tools to help us release the grip shame has on us.

Jennifer Slater

Never Enough: How Idols Forever Fail Us

Carriage House Granary

Unchecked desires can turn into idols for all of us. However, no achievement, person, possession, or bank balance will ever satisfy your heart. We will learn how to identify idols in our life, explore practical steps for what to do with them, and how to walk with hope, freedom, and the true satisfaction that only comes from Christ.

Steve and Pam

Missionaries Alone Won't Get the Job Done

Carriage House Dining

All Jesus followers should be ‘in ministry’, but you don't have to be in “a ministry’.  3 Lies that have caused Christians to feel excused or excluded from missions.  Missionaries can't reach the whole world since they are not allowed among 40% of the world population.  Hear what God is doing where the gospel is prohibited and persecuted, and how YOU can advance the gospel there.

Topher Noel

Why You're Probably a Heretic

Cedar Ridge Upper

The Trinity is the foundational doctrine of Faith that affects everything else we believe about God, yet we can oftentimes have a poor understanding of it. In this workshop, we will explore the doctrine of the Trinity and its common misconceptions to develop a proper biblical and theological understanding of this doctrine and how it can lead us into deeper awe and worship of our Triune God.

Trey Hedrick

Fight the FOMO

Big Horn Lower

In this workshop we'll discuss the the way our social fears, such as the fear of missing out or the fear of better options, and how they prevent us from being fruitful and effective in our walk with Christ. We'll discover that when our fears are rightly placed, our courage to walk in obedience to the Lord will grow.

Pray Lord, help me focus my heart and mind on you.

Read Luke 11:9-13 

Truth: God gives the Holy Spirit.

This week what are you asking God for?  

01 Ask

Pray Lord, search my heart and know my thoughts

Read John 14:23-27

Truth: Peace that comes from Christ cannot be taken away.

Spend the next few minutes being still and silent. If you hear from God write it down!

02 Peace

Pray Lord, please forgive me for…

Read Psalm 51:1-2

Truth: God’s love is unfailing.

Pray through 1 John 1:9 but insert yourself. If I confess my sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive me my sins and purify me from all unrighteousness.

03 Forgiveness

Pray Lord, help me to know you more

Read Romans 5:3-5

Truth: Suffering produces perseverance.

Draw it out. What does it look like to endure?

04 Hope

Pray Lord, renew my mind and turn my heart towards you

Read Romans 8:9-10

Truth: The Spirit gives life.

Do you belong to Christ? How do you know?

05 Life

Pray Lord, help me hear and understand

Read Hebrews 4:12-13

Truth: The word of God is alive and active. 

Write down the ways God has been speaking directly to things in your life this week.

06 The Word

6 Days of TAWG - Time Alone With God


Make sure to register for your workshop by filling out this form!

Adryn Ingle & Luke Weatherly

Fixing Your Aim

Cedar Ridge Upper

The goal of your Christian life is Jesus. Anything else will lead to failure. Join us as we share some of our own struggles, find encouragement, and learn how you can "fix your aim".

Jimmy Glock

Gritty Love - How to Fight with Your Friends

Big Horn Upper

How can we have relationships that are empathetic, kind, accepting, and gracious, while also being firm enough to speak the truth in love and to seek reconciliation when things are uncomfortable?

How can we live out the full potential of what community as the body of Christ is meant to be? How can we prevent our enemy from deceiving us and allowing bitterness to take root, and instead, do the hard work to live in deeper intimacy with one another, experiencing the joy of clear, robust friendships in unity, as Christ's bride?

John Mark Hart

Radical Generosity

Oaks Lodge Meeting Room

Christians worship the God of abundance who has called us to be faithful stewards of his resources. As the gospel of Jesus transforms the way we think about money and material possessions, we are liberated from a lifestyle based on fear, scarcity, and self-indulgence for a new lifestyle marked by faith, gratitude, and joyful generosity. Come learn how you can be transformed by knowing our abundantly generous God.

John Strappazon

Get Your Go to On!

Big Horn Lower

Struggling with anxiety? Fighting with fear? You need a Go to. Come get yours on.

Joshua Story

We Are Scum of the Earth

Great Hall

Learn how to reach the students that are, not in your circle, click, crew mindset, culture just planning not like you. It is imperative for you to break free these social wall. 1 Corinthians 4:13

Kyle Thomas

Does God Want Me to Man Up?

Carriage House Dining

A breakout over what it means to be a man that faithfully pursues God!

Pat Barrington

Who Are You, Really? Discovering Your Identity in Christ

Carriage House Granary

In a world that constantly tells you who you should be, it’s easy to feel lost, insecure, or unsure of your true identity. This powerful session will help you uncover what God says about who you are, giving you confidence, purpose, and freedom in Christ. Come be encouraged, challenged, and equipped to walk boldly in your God-given identity!

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